I know not everyone buys into the whole "God as Father" metaphor - too many crummy dads and all. But aside from being the dominant metaphor in the Bible, I think it works here. As her father, nothing brought more joy to me on this day than watching my little girl discover a new skill & gain some worldly confidence. I suppose that's what God feels like when we all do that. Whatever happened to the aura of discovery for adults? Why do we settle so easily for that which we already know? What skills, talents, dreams, accomplishments are you sitting on that are just waiting to emerge? How about throwing the routine in the garbage for a day, taking a big, fat risk and discovering something entirely new in your life. It will do you some good, and I know it will make God smile.
some thoughts.
13 years ago
Well done good and faithful servant. Focus on making a life, rather than a living, the life that is truly life.